Our Values

We want to grow closer to God and His people. We created these eight resource pages to help resource you with videos, podcasts, books, and more to help you grow in your relationship with God!
Jesus Is Our Message

I am open to going anywhere and to anybody God calls me to share my faith.

Scripture Is Our Standard

I allow God’s Word to direct my beliefs, thoughts, and actions.

Serving Is Our Privilege

I take the humble nature of a servant.

Worship Is Our Design

I have surrendered every part of my life to God because He is my highest priority.

Prayer Is Our Passion

I “pray without ceasing” as a way of life.

Generosity Is Our Response

I know that everything I have comes from and belongs to God.

Community Is Our Pursuit

I do life with a group of believers with whom I find purpose, make friends, and grow spiritually.

The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide

I live a life filled, led, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.