About Will

Will grew up in Willmar, Minnesota, and attended The AG Church in Willmar from a young age. He started serving in church during his years as a student at Epik YTH. It was there that he met his wife, Kate, while serving on the worship team together, and in 2018 they were married. Will has always carried a passion for worship and music and was self-taught in piano and guitar when he was 12 years old. Since then he has found purpose and joy in creating spaces for people to enter into the life-transforming presence of God. Will and Kate are currently in the process of adopting a baby boy and are so excited to start the journey of parenting!

Fun fact: Will has learned most of what he knows on YouTube.

Will’s One-Minute Witness:

“When I was growing up I struggled with anxiety. My daily life was gripped by fear that I would fail or make a mistake that would cause others to distance themselves from me. I grew up in a Christian home with amazing parents who always encouraged me to seek God but I could still feel myself drifting into hopelessness and loneliness. One day I learned how to play a simple worship song on my guitar, and as I declared the truth of God over my life, I felt a kind of peace that I had never experienced before. It was in those moments alone in my room, worshipping the Lord that I discovered how to trust God for what I needed, and I found freedom from the anxious thoughts that held me down. With Jesus I know that His plans for me are good and He will be faithful no matter what I am facing.”