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Prayer Apps
Download one of these free apps as a resource to your prayer life.
Pray First is a free app that walks you through guided prayers, keeps and organizes your prayer requests, gives you access to worship music, and points you to additional prayer resources.
Change the Map is a free app that exists to inspire and equip the church to pray for the Buddhist world.
Prayer Guides
Here are some downloadable prayer guides to use as you pray.
A guide to help you pray over national, state, and local leaders.
This PDF from the Navigators will draw you closer to God and bring a deeper understanding of who He is. Use the 30-day calendar to inspire your prayer.
Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort. Learn about different models of prayer to help you become more comfortable as you build your habit of prayer.
Fasting Resources
Here are some resources to help you help you as you begin your fast.
Church of the Highlands offers Scriptures and other fasting resources to help get you started.
This guide offers practical tips on spiritual, physical, and social aspects of fasting.
This guide will help you make the most out of your fast.