BGMC Fundraising Ideas

BGMC Fund Raising Ideas.

  • Bake Sale
    • Find something you love to bake and purchase ingredients. Advertise to family, friends, and coworkers what you are selling and why. Take down orders and raise money for missions by selling some of your favorite baked goods.
  • Make BGMC Bracelets
    • Make bracelets out of colored rubber bands, string, or beads. Use yellow and red materials to match our BGMC colors and sell them to your friends, family, and coworkers.
  • Doing Your Chores
    • Create a chore chart around your house with a list of daily chores that your kids can complete. Provide a dollar amount for every completed chore and at the end of each week, reward them based on the number of chores completed for that week.
  • Toy Sale
    • Have your kids collect any toys they may no longer use. Talk with your kids to figure out a price for what each toy is worth. Post the toys on Facebook marketplace letting customers know that toys are being sold to raise money for Missions. Put the money earned from selling toys towards your kid’s BGMC goal.
  • Provide Services for Your Neighborhood
    • Go door to door with information about your BGMC project. Inform neighbors that you are trying to raise money for missions and would love their support. Offer any kind of service they may need (i.e., shoveling the driveway, raking leaves, picking up dog poop, mowing the lawn, washing the car, etc.). Put a price on specific services, or just ask for prayers and freewill donations.
  • Hot Chocolate/Lemonade Stand
    • Whether it’s warm or cold outside, everyone loves a refreshing seasonal drink. Put together a stand selling your favorite seasonal beverage downtown, at a park, in a neighborhood, or at an event. Make the beverage together and run the stand as a family.
  • Custom Kids BGMC Cookbook
    • Get creative and brainstorm some of your childhood-inspired recipes. Have each member of your family pick a few of their favorite food dishes and combine them all into one cookbook. Have your kids help design the cookbook and be as creative as possible. Once the masterpiece is complete, make copies and sell the uniquely inspired recipes to family, friends, and coworkers.
  • Plant Sale
    • Everybody loves flowers!!! While helping your kids develop a heart for missions, help them grow an appreciation for God’s creation. Purchase flowerpots, soil, and their favorite flower seeds. Help your kids create beautiful potted plants that they can sell for BGMC.
  • Read-a-thon
    • For those who love to read books, set a goal of how many books you want to read in a specific amount of time. Ask family members and friends to sponsor you for every book you read in that specific amount of time. Any money you raise for reading books will go toward your BGMC project.
  • A Work of Art
    • For those of you who have incredible artistic abilities, this is for you. Use the gifts that God has given you by creating artwork that you can sell for missions. This could be painting, drawing, Lego building, sculptures, pottery, painted rocks, etc. The possibilities are endless!